Overall Progress - 02/16/2024

Current World Build Version: 0.10.65

World Build Statistics

Total Lines of Build Commands: 49,402
Total Rooms: 15235
Total Room Typeclasses: 37
Unique Named Streets: 164
Unique Named Alleyways: 200
Unique Named Highways: 29
Unique Named Highway Tunnels: 1
Unique Named Pedestrian Paths: 138

Room Counts by Typeclass:

DefaultRoom: 1

StreetRoom: 4188
QuietStreetRoom: 409
HighwayRoom: 1435
QuietHighwayRoom: 4
HighwayTunnelRoom: 44
AutoRepairRoom: 76
TowScrapRoom: 75
FillingStationRoom: 200
GarageRoom: 81
BorderCheckpointRoom: 8

ShuttleTerminalRoom: 3
ShuttlePadRoom: 7
AutobusTerminalRoom: 104
SpaceportTerminalRoom: 23
SpaceportPadRoom: 0
DockRoom: 1
PedestrianRoom: 1641
QuietPedestrianRoom: 579
AlleyRoom: 1836
QuietAlleyRoom: 0

ResidentialRoom: 996
BarRoom: 981
ShopRoom: 653
EntertainmentRoom: 206
ConventionCenterRoom: 13
SchoolRoom: 100
CloneRoom: 62
DataCenterRoom: 301
CorpRoom: 825
MunicipalRoom: 7

BeachRoom: 126
WaterRoom: 45

SewerRoom: 190
DestroyedRoom: 15

Update, February 16, 2024

Tons has happened so far this year. Room building has plateaued a bit and I've begun coding the meat of the game. There are still a few thousand rooms to build, but I decided I needed to get some of the basic commands and game features created before finishing the world. I'll post another more detailed update on code progress, but so far I've created a lot of the basic city travel features like driveable cars, bus transport from terminal to terminal, shuttle transport from shuttleport to shuttleport, and the ability to taxi home to whatever residence you have set. I also coded player death and the ability to set your clone location to any available cloneroom as a first step into creating combat. So far so good, making progress!

Update, September 19, 2023

Back at it! Couple hundred rooms built this week, and in the process of adding more room names to my building/location lists no add in next. Focusing mostly on bars, entertainment, shops, and other locations that I can link to alleyways and pedestrian pathways. Also working on a big list of abandoned-style locations included under the DestroyedRoom typeclass, things with keywords like Abandoned, Burned Out, Derelict, Deserted, Destroyed, Empty, Forsaken, Ruined, Run Down, Vacant, etc.

Update, November 12, 2022

There was a fairly long period of very slow, but gradual weekly progress through most of 2022. I've, again, begun to make larger, more frequent spurts of progress in an attempt to finally finish building all of my planned city rooms. I started to compile rough lists of game items and unique mob names that I'll eventually use to fill the city and populate the various bars, shops, etc. I'll soon have a ton of room descriptions to write which will likely be the major goal of 2023, but I'm sure this will move alongside other major mob and item building. Here's to finishing 2022 with some serious progres.

Update, March 21, 2022

Crankin' along with world building - decent overall progress and speed, will pass the 14,000 room mark very soon.

Update, February 26, 2022

Some done. Much to do. 2022 will be good.

Update, April 24, 2021

I think I have all the alleyways I need, time to drastically expand the number of city building rooms to increase density. Working on adding some ShopRooms, CloneRooms, EntertainmentRooms, DataCenterRooms, and CorpRooms (like corporate headquarters or offices). I have hundreds of location names already on my build lists, I just need to get the rooms into the mud.

Update, March 5, 2021

This month I'm working to increase city density by building more alleyways between the streets. These are walking-accessible pedestrian rooms that will not be driving-accessible. I have a growing list of over 100 named alleys to build throughout the city and many of these will serve as connections for other future buildings. These AlleyRooms are the last of the base city's non-building-rooms left to create.

I will then build the last of the BarRooms, and move on to (in no particular order) ShopRooms, CloneRooms, EntertainmentRooms, DataCenterRooms, CorporateRooms, and SchoolRooms. As I go I will evaluate the city density and update the plan, but there are still MANY other room types and points of interest left to build.

I am STILL deciding if I want to post a map of the city.. I have everything that's currently built mapped on an Excel spreadsheet. I'm stuck somewhere between posting a picture of this Excel map and making my own art mock-up to show off.. For now, no map, but there's still a lot of work to do on the game and website, so maybe in the future.

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